Physiotherapy Center | Best Physiotherapy Services in Riga, Latvia, for Back Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Trauma & Post-Operation RecoveryAviProMedical - Physiotherapy Services in Riga, Latvia
import wixSeo from 'wix-seo';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(async function () {
// Set up basic SEO for all pages
const pages = await getSitePages(); // Custom function to fetch all site pages
pages.forEach(async (page) => {
const keywords = await fetchKeywordsFromPage(page.url);
optimizePageSEO(page, keywords);
// Update social media metadata
console.log("SEO optimization process completed.");
// Function to fetch all site pages
async function getSitePages() {
const siteStructure = await wixData.query("Pages").find(); // Replace with your site's structure data
return => ({
url: item.url,
title: item.title
// Function to extract keywords from a page
async function fetchKeywordsFromPage(pageUrl) {
try {
const response = await fetch(pageUrl);
const html = await response.text();
const keywords = extractKeywordsFromHTML(html);
return keywords;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching page ${pageUrl}:`, error);
return [];
// Basic keyword extraction from HTML
function extractKeywordsFromHTML(html) {
const keywordRegex = //i;
const match = html.match(keywordRegex);
return match ? match[1].split(",").map(keyword => keyword.trim()) : [];
// Function to optimize SEO metadata for a page
function optimizePageSEO(page, keywords) {
const optimizedTitle = `${page.title} | ABI ProMedical`;
const optimizedDescription = `Explore ${page.title} and more with ABI ProMedical. Your trusted partner for medical equipment and solutions.`;
keywords: keywords.join(", "),
robots: "index, follow"
// Function to update social media metadata
function updateSocialMediaSEO() {
"og:title": "ABI ProMedical",
"og:description": "Leading provider of medical equipment and services across Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and beyond.",
"og:image": "",
"og:url": ""
"twitter:title": "ABI ProMedical",
"twitter:description": "Explore our range of medical solutions across Europe and North America.",
"twitter:image": "",
"twitter:card": "summary_large_image"
// Function to connect and boost Instagram & Facebook SEO
async function connectSocialMediaSEO() {
// Requires Instagram and Facebook API integration
const instagramAccessToken = "YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN";
const facebookAccessToken = "YOUR_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN";
// Sample API call to post metadata to Instagram and Facebook
// Detailed implementation would include fetching insights and posting updates
console.log("Integrate Instagram and Facebook API here for better marketing.");
# Define the hashtags in English, Russian, and Latvian
hashtags = {
"English": {
"general": [
"#OrthopedicPhysiotherapy", "#PostOpRehabilitation", "#OrthopedicRehabilitation",
"#PostSurgeryRehabilitation", "#PainManagement", "#JointRehabilitation", "#RecoveryJourney"
"knee": [
"#KneePain", "#KneeRehabilitation", "#KneeSurgeryRecovery", "#KneeInjury", "#KneeTherapy"
"ankle": [
"#AnklePain", "#AnkleRehabilitation", "#AnkleInjury", "#AnkleSurgeryRecovery", "#AnkleTherapy"
"hip": [
"#HipPain", "#HipRehabilitation", "#HipInjury", "#HipSurgeryRecovery", "#HipTherapy"
"spine": [
"#SpinePain", "#SpinalRehabilitation", "#SpineInjury", "#SpineSurgeryRecovery", "#SpineTherapy"
"back": [
"#BackPain", "#BackRehabilitation", "#BackInjury", "#BackSurgeryRecovery", "#BackTherapy"
"Russian": {
"general": [
"#ОртопедическаяФизиотерапия", "#РеабилитацияПослеОперации", "#ОртопедическаяРеабилитация",
"#РеабилитацияПослеХирургии", "#УправлениеБолем", "#РеабилитацияСуставов", "#ПутьКВосстановлению"
"knee": [
"#БольВКолене", "#РеабилитацияКолена", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаКолене", "#ТравмаКолена", "#ТерапияКолена"
"ankle": [
"#БольВЩиколотке", "#РеабилитацияЩиколотки", "#ТравмаЩиколотки", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаЩиколотке", "#ТерапияЩиколотки"
"hip": [
"#БольВТазобедренномСуставе", "#РеабилитацияТазобедренногоСустава", "#ТравмаТазобедренногоСустава", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаТазобедренномСуставе", "#ТерапияТазобедренногоСустава"
"spine": [
"#БольВПозвоночнике", "#РеабилитацияПозвоночника", "#ТравмаПозвоночника", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаПозвоночнике", "#ТерапияПозвоночника"
"back": [
"#БольВСпине", "#РеабилитацияСпины", "#ТравмаСпины", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаСпине", "#ТерапияСпины"
"Latvian": {
"general": [
"#OrtopēdiskāFizioterapija", "#PēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija", "#OrtopēdiskāRehabilitācija",
"#FizioterapijaPēcsķirurģijas", "#SāpjuVadība", "#LocītavuRehabilitācija", "#AtveseļošanāsCeļojums"
"knee": [
"#CeļaSāpes", "#CeļaRehabilitācija", "#CeļaPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija", "#CeļaTrauma", "#CeļaFizioterapija"
"ankle": [
"#PēdasSāpes", "#PēdasRehabilitācija", "#PēdasĀrstēšana", "#PēdasTrauma", "#PotītesRehabilitācija"
"hip": [
"#GurnuSāpes", "#GurnuRehabilitācija", "#GurnuTrauma", "#GurnuĀrstēšana", "#GurnuPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija"
"spine": [
"#SpinaSāpes", "#SpinalSāpes", "#SpinaRehabilitācija", "#SpinaTrauma", "#SpinaPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija"
"back": [
"#AtpakaļSāpes", "#AtpakaļRehabilitācija", "#AtpakaļĀrstēšana", "#AtpakaļTrauma", "#JostasSāpes"
# Function to optimize SEO by generating hashtags in different languages
def generate_seo_content(language):
if language not in hashtags:
return "Language not supported"
seo_content = f"Optimize your recovery with expert physiotherapy: \n"
for category, tags in hashtags[language].items():
seo_content += f"\n{category.capitalize()} Hashtags:\n"
seo_content += " ".join(tags) + "\n"
return seo_content
# Example usage for English, Russian, and Latvian
languages = ['English', 'Russian', 'Latvian']
for lang in languages:
print(f"--- SEO Optimized Content in {lang} ---")
print("\n" + "-"*50 + "\n")
Physiotherapy Center in Riga, Latvia | Expert Physiotherapists for Back Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Trauma & Post-Operation Recovery
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+371 22300591
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ABiProMedical - Medicīniskā rehabilitācija LatvijāABiProMedical - Медицинская реабилитация в ЛатвииABiProMedical - Medicīniskā rehabilitācija LatvijāABiProMedical - Медицинская реабилитация в Латвии