Physiotherapy Center | Best Physiotherapy Services in Riga, Latvia, for Back Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Trauma & Post-Operation Recovery AviProMedical - Physiotherapy Services in Riga, Latvia import wixSeo from 'wix-seo'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady(async function () { // Set up basic SEO for all pages const pages = await getSitePages(); // Custom function to fetch all site pages pages.forEach(async (page) => { const keywords = await fetchKeywordsFromPage(page.url); optimizePageSEO(page, keywords); }); // Update social media metadata updateSocialMediaSEO(); console.log("SEO optimization process completed."); }); // Function to fetch all site pages async function getSitePages() { const siteStructure = await wixData.query("Pages").find(); // Replace with your site's structure data return => ({ url: item.url, title: item.title })); } // Function to extract keywords from a page async function fetchKeywordsFromPage(pageUrl) { try { const response = await fetch(pageUrl); const html = await response.text(); const keywords = extractKeywordsFromHTML(html); return keywords; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error fetching page ${pageUrl}:`, error); return []; } } // Basic keyword extraction from HTML function extractKeywordsFromHTML(html) { const keywordRegex = //i; const match = html.match(keywordRegex); return match ? match[1].split(",").map(keyword => keyword.trim()) : []; } // Function to optimize SEO metadata for a page function optimizePageSEO(page, keywords) { const optimizedTitle = `${page.title} | ABI ProMedical`; const optimizedDescription = `Explore ${page.title} and more with ABI ProMedical. Your trusted partner for medical equipment and solutions.`; wixSeo.setTitle(optimizedTitle); wixSeo.setDescription(optimizedDescription); wixSeo.setMetaTags({ keywords: keywords.join(", "), robots: "index, follow" }); } // Function to update social media metadata function updateSocialMediaSEO() { wixSeo.setSocialTags({ "og:title": "ABI ProMedical", "og:description": "Leading provider of medical equipment and services across Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and beyond.", "og:image": "", "og:url": "" }); wixSeo.setSocialTags({ "twitter:title": "ABI ProMedical", "twitter:description": "Explore our range of medical solutions across Europe and North America.", "twitter:image": "", "twitter:card": "summary_large_image" }); } // Function to connect and boost Instagram & Facebook SEO async function connectSocialMediaSEO() { // Requires Instagram and Facebook API integration const instagramAccessToken = "YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN"; const facebookAccessToken = "YOUR_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN"; // Sample API call to post metadata to Instagram and Facebook // Detailed implementation would include fetching insights and posting updates console.log("Integrate Instagram and Facebook API here for better marketing."); } # Define the hashtags in English, Russian, and Latvian hashtags = { "English": { "general": [ "#OrthopedicPhysiotherapy", "#PostOpRehabilitation", "#OrthopedicRehabilitation", "#PostSurgeryRehabilitation", "#PainManagement", "#JointRehabilitation", "#RecoveryJourney" ], "knee": [ "#KneePain", "#KneeRehabilitation", "#KneeSurgeryRecovery", "#KneeInjury", "#KneeTherapy" ], "ankle": [ "#AnklePain", "#AnkleRehabilitation", "#AnkleInjury", "#AnkleSurgeryRecovery", "#AnkleTherapy" ], "hip": [ "#HipPain", "#HipRehabilitation", "#HipInjury", "#HipSurgeryRecovery", "#HipTherapy" ], "spine": [ "#SpinePain", "#SpinalRehabilitation", "#SpineInjury", "#SpineSurgeryRecovery", "#SpineTherapy" ], "back": [ "#BackPain", "#BackRehabilitation", "#BackInjury", "#BackSurgeryRecovery", "#BackTherapy" ] }, "Russian": { "general": [ "#ОртопедическаяФизиотерапия", "#РеабилитацияПослеОперации", "#ОртопедическаяРеабилитация", "#РеабилитацияПослеХирургии", "#УправлениеБолем", "#РеабилитацияСуставов", "#ПутьКВосстановлению" ], "knee": [ "#БольВКолене", "#РеабилитацияКолена", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаКолене", "#ТравмаКолена", "#ТерапияКолена" ], "ankle": [ "#БольВЩиколотке", "#РеабилитацияЩиколотки", "#ТравмаЩиколотки", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаЩиколотке", "#ТерапияЩиколотки" ], "hip": [ "#БольВТазобедренномСуставе", "#РеабилитацияТазобедренногоСустава", "#ТравмаТазобедренногоСустава", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаТазобедренномСуставе", "#ТерапияТазобедренногоСустава" ], "spine": [ "#БольВПозвоночнике", "#РеабилитацияПозвоночника", "#ТравмаПозвоночника", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаПозвоночнике", "#ТерапияПозвоночника" ], "back": [ "#БольВСпине", "#РеабилитацияСпины", "#ТравмаСпины", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаСпине", "#ТерапияСпины" ] }, "Latvian": { "general": [ "#OrtopēdiskāFizioterapija", "#PēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija", "#OrtopēdiskāRehabilitācija", "#FizioterapijaPēcsķirurģijas", "#SāpjuVadība", "#LocītavuRehabilitācija", "#AtveseļošanāsCeļojums" ], "knee": [ "#CeļaSāpes", "#CeļaRehabilitācija", "#CeļaPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija", "#CeļaTrauma", "#CeļaFizioterapija" ], "ankle": [ "#PēdasSāpes", "#PēdasRehabilitācija", "#PēdasĀrstēšana", "#PēdasTrauma", "#PotītesRehabilitācija" ], "hip": [ "#GurnuSāpes", "#GurnuRehabilitācija", "#GurnuTrauma", "#GurnuĀrstēšana", "#GurnuPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija" ], "spine": [ "#SpinaSāpes", "#SpinalSāpes", "#SpinaRehabilitācija", "#SpinaTrauma", "#SpinaPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija" ], "back": [ "#AtpakaļSāpes", "#AtpakaļRehabilitācija", "#AtpakaļĀrstēšana", "#AtpakaļTrauma", "#JostasSāpes" ] } } # Function to optimize SEO by generating hashtags in different languages def generate_seo_content(language): if language not in hashtags: return "Language not supported" seo_content = f"Optimize your recovery with expert physiotherapy: \n" for category, tags in hashtags[language].items(): seo_content += f"\n{category.capitalize()} Hashtags:\n" seo_content += " ".join(tags) + "\n" return seo_content # Example usage for English, Russian, and Latvian languages = ['English', 'Russian', 'Latvian'] for lang in languages: print(f"--- SEO Optimized Content in {lang} ---") print(generate_seo_content(lang)) print("\n" + "-"*50 + "\n") Physiotherapy Center in Riga, Latvia | Expert Physiotherapists for Back Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Trauma & Post-Operation Recovery
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What We Offer


The Kinesio Taping Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. 

#Kinesiotaping#Physiotherapy #NeuroPhysiotherapy #Rehabilitation #NeuroRehabilitation #PhysicalTherapy #TherapyForLife #PhysioForNeuro #NeuroPhysioCare #NeuroHealing#sporttrauma

The Kinesio Taping Method is a therapeutic taping technique not only offering your patient the support they are looking for, but also rehabilitating the affected condition as well. By targeting different receptors within the somatosensory system, Kinesio Tape alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting affects forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space and allowing for a decrease in inflammation of the affected areas.

Evaluation and assessment are key in the treatment of any clinical condition. In order to get the desired results from a Kinesio Tape application as well as any other treatment, a full assessment of your patient is necessary. In some cases, the treatment of a condition may require treatment of other underlying conditions as well. This assessment should include manual muscle testing, range of motion testing, gait assessment, and any other orthopedic special tests that you deem necessary. The information gained from these assessments will allow for the proper treatment protocol to 


 be laid out. Kinesio Tape can be a valuable addition to this protocol. It has been proven to have positive physiological effects on the skin, lymphatic and circulatory system, fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. It can be used in conjunction with a multitude of other treatments and modalities within your clinic and is effective during the rehabilitative and chronic phases on an injury as well as being used for preventative measures.

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ABiProMedical - Medicīniskā rehabilitācija Latvijā ABiProMedical - Медицинская реабилитация в Латвии ABiProMedical - Medicīniskā rehabilitācija Latvijā ABiProMedical - Медицинская реабилитация в Латвии