Physiotherapy Center | Best Physiotherapy Services in Riga, Latvia, for Back Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Trauma & Post-Operation Recovery AviProMedical - Physiotherapy Services in Riga, Latvia import wixSeo from 'wix-seo'; import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady(async function () { // Set up basic SEO for all pages const pages = await getSitePages(); // Custom function to fetch all site pages pages.forEach(async (page) => { const keywords = await fetchKeywordsFromPage(page.url); optimizePageSEO(page, keywords); }); // Update social media metadata updateSocialMediaSEO(); console.log("SEO optimization process completed."); }); // Function to fetch all site pages async function getSitePages() { const siteStructure = await wixData.query("Pages").find(); // Replace with your site's structure data return => ({ url: item.url, title: item.title })); } // Function to extract keywords from a page async function fetchKeywordsFromPage(pageUrl) { try { const response = await fetch(pageUrl); const html = await response.text(); const keywords = extractKeywordsFromHTML(html); return keywords; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error fetching page ${pageUrl}:`, error); return []; } } // Basic keyword extraction from HTML function extractKeywordsFromHTML(html) { const keywordRegex = //i; const match = html.match(keywordRegex); return match ? match[1].split(",").map(keyword => keyword.trim()) : []; } // Function to optimize SEO metadata for a page function optimizePageSEO(page, keywords) { const optimizedTitle = `${page.title} | ABI ProMedical`; const optimizedDescription = `Explore ${page.title} and more with ABI ProMedical. Your trusted partner for medical equipment and solutions.`; wixSeo.setTitle(optimizedTitle); wixSeo.setDescription(optimizedDescription); wixSeo.setMetaTags({ keywords: keywords.join(", "), robots: "index, follow" }); } // Function to update social media metadata function updateSocialMediaSEO() { wixSeo.setSocialTags({ "og:title": "ABI ProMedical", "og:description": "Leading provider of medical equipment and services across Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and beyond.", "og:image": "", "og:url": "" }); wixSeo.setSocialTags({ "twitter:title": "ABI ProMedical", "twitter:description": "Explore our range of medical solutions across Europe and North America.", "twitter:image": "", "twitter:card": "summary_large_image" }); } // Function to connect and boost Instagram & Facebook SEO async function connectSocialMediaSEO() { // Requires Instagram and Facebook API integration const instagramAccessToken = "YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN"; const facebookAccessToken = "YOUR_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN"; // Sample API call to post metadata to Instagram and Facebook // Detailed implementation would include fetching insights and posting updates console.log("Integrate Instagram and Facebook API here for better marketing."); } # Define the hashtags in English, Russian, and Latvian hashtags = { "English": { "general": [ "#OrthopedicPhysiotherapy", "#PostOpRehabilitation", "#OrthopedicRehabilitation", "#PostSurgeryRehabilitation", "#PainManagement", "#JointRehabilitation", "#RecoveryJourney" ], "knee": [ "#KneePain", "#KneeRehabilitation", "#KneeSurgeryRecovery", "#KneeInjury", "#KneeTherapy" ], "ankle": [ "#AnklePain", "#AnkleRehabilitation", "#AnkleInjury", "#AnkleSurgeryRecovery", "#AnkleTherapy" ], "hip": [ "#HipPain", "#HipRehabilitation", "#HipInjury", "#HipSurgeryRecovery", "#HipTherapy" ], "spine": [ "#SpinePain", "#SpinalRehabilitation", "#SpineInjury", "#SpineSurgeryRecovery", "#SpineTherapy" ], "back": [ "#BackPain", "#BackRehabilitation", "#BackInjury", "#BackSurgeryRecovery", "#BackTherapy" ] }, "Russian": { "general": [ "#ОртопедическаяФизиотерапия", "#РеабилитацияПослеОперации", "#ОртопедическаяРеабилитация", "#РеабилитацияПослеХирургии", "#УправлениеБолем", "#РеабилитацияСуставов", "#ПутьКВосстановлению" ], "knee": [ "#БольВКолене", "#РеабилитацияКолена", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаКолене", "#ТравмаКолена", "#ТерапияКолена" ], "ankle": [ "#БольВЩиколотке", "#РеабилитацияЩиколотки", "#ТравмаЩиколотки", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаЩиколотке", "#ТерапияЩиколотки" ], "hip": [ "#БольВТазобедренномСуставе", "#РеабилитацияТазобедренногоСустава", "#ТравмаТазобедренногоСустава", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаТазобедренномСуставе", "#ТерапияТазобедренногоСустава" ], "spine": [ "#БольВПозвоночнике", "#РеабилитацияПозвоночника", "#ТравмаПозвоночника", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаПозвоночнике", "#ТерапияПозвоночника" ], "back": [ "#БольВСпине", "#РеабилитацияСпины", "#ТравмаСпины", "#ВосстановлениеПослеОперацииНаСпине", "#ТерапияСпины" ] }, "Latvian": { "general": [ "#OrtopēdiskāFizioterapija", "#PēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija", "#OrtopēdiskāRehabilitācija", "#FizioterapijaPēcsķirurģijas", "#SāpjuVadība", "#LocītavuRehabilitācija", "#AtveseļošanāsCeļojums" ], "knee": [ "#CeļaSāpes", "#CeļaRehabilitācija", "#CeļaPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija", "#CeļaTrauma", "#CeļaFizioterapija" ], "ankle": [ "#PēdasSāpes", "#PēdasRehabilitācija", "#PēdasĀrstēšana", "#PēdasTrauma", "#PotītesRehabilitācija" ], "hip": [ "#GurnuSāpes", "#GurnuRehabilitācija", "#GurnuTrauma", "#GurnuĀrstēšana", "#GurnuPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija" ], "spine": [ "#SpinaSāpes", "#SpinalSāpes", "#SpinaRehabilitācija", "#SpinaTrauma", "#SpinaPēcsķirurģiskāRehabilitācija" ], "back": [ "#AtpakaļSāpes", "#AtpakaļRehabilitācija", "#AtpakaļĀrstēšana", "#AtpakaļTrauma", "#JostasSāpes" ] } } # Function to optimize SEO by generating hashtags in different languages def generate_seo_content(language): if language not in hashtags: return "Language not supported" seo_content = f"Optimize your recovery with expert physiotherapy: \n" for category, tags in hashtags[language].items(): seo_content += f"\n{category.capitalize()} Hashtags:\n" seo_content += " ".join(tags) + "\n" return seo_content # Example usage for English, Russian, and Latvian languages = ['English', 'Russian', 'Latvian'] for lang in languages: print(f"--- SEO Optimized Content in {lang} ---") print(generate_seo_content(lang)) print("\n" + "-"*50 + "\n") Physiotherapy Center in Riga, Latvia | Expert Physiotherapists for Back Pain, Knee Pain, Post-Trauma & Post-Operation Recovery
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Back Pain: Causes, Research, and Effective Treatment at ABI Promedical

Writer's picture: Behdad DehbandiBehdad Dehbandi

--- ENGLISH ---

Back pain is one of the most common health problems worldwide, affecting millions of people every year. Whether caused by poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, or physical strain, back pain can significantly impact daily life. Fortunately, modern physiotherapy offers effective solutions, and at ABI Promedical, we specialize in advanced rehabilitation techniques to help you recover.

Understanding Back Pain

Top Research Insights:

  • A 2023 study from The Lancet found that 85% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives.

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.

  • Research from Harvard Medical School suggests that exercise-based therapy is the most effective long-term solution for chronic back pain.

ABI Promedical's Approach to Back Pain Relief

At ABI Promedical, located at 63 Ventspils Street, Riga, Latvia, we use a personalized approach to help you recover from back pain. Our services include: ✔ Manual Therapy & Massage – Reducing tension and improving mobility. ✔ Electrotherapy – Stimulating healing and reducing inflammation. ✔ Kinesiology & Exercise Therapy – Strengthening core muscles for long-term relief. ✔ Posture Correction & Ergonomic Advice – Preventing future pain. ✔ Virtual Reality Rehabilitation – Innovative therapy for enhanced recovery.

Why Choose ABI Promedical?

✅ Certified physiotherapists with years of experience. ✅ Individual treatment plans tailored to your needs. ✅ Advanced equipment and evidence-based methods. ✅ Comfortable and modern facilities.

📍 Visit us at 63 Ventspils Street, Riga, Latvia. 📞 Book your consultation today!


Muguras Sāpes: Cēloņi, Pētījumi un Efektīva Ārstēšana ABI Promedical

Muguras sāpes ir viena no biežākajām veselības problēmām pasaulē, kas ietekmē miljoniem cilvēku katru gadu. Vai tas būtu slikts stājas ieradums, mazkustīgs dzīvesveids vai fiziska pārslodze, muguras sāpes var nopietni ietekmēt ikdienu. Par laimi, mūsdienu fizioterapija piedāvā efektīvus risinājumus, un ABI Promedical specializējas modernās rehabilitācijas metodēs, lai palīdzētu jums atgūties.

Muguras Sāpju Cēloņi un Pētījumi

Jaunākie Zinātniskie Atklājumi:

  • The Lancet 2023. gada pētījums atklāja, ka 85% pieaugušo piedzīvo muguras sāpes vismaz reizi mūžā.

  • Pasaules Veselības Organizācija (PVO) norāda, ka muguras sāpes ir viens no galvenajiem invaliditātes iemesliem pasaulē.

  • Hārvardas Medicīnas skolas pētījumi liecina, ka vingrošana ir visefektīvākais ilgtermiņa risinājums hroniskām muguras sāpēm.

ABI Promedical Pieeja Muguras Sāpju Ārstēšanai

ABI Promedical, kas atrodas Ventspils ielā 63, Rīgā, piedāvā individuālu pieeju, lai palīdzētu jums atbrīvoties no muguras sāpēm. Mēsu pakalpojumi ietver: ✔ Manuālā terapija un masāža – Samazina saspringumu un uzlabo mobilitāti. ✔ Elektroterapija – Veicina dziedināšanu un mazina iekaisumu. ✔ Kinezioloģija un vingrojumu terapija – Stiprina muskuļus ilgtermiņa efektam. ✔ Stājas korekcija un ergonomiskie ieteikumi – Novērš turpmākās problēmas. ✔ Virtuālā realitātes rehabilitācija – Inovatīva terapija efektīvai atlabšanai.

Kāpēc Izvēlēties ABI Promedical?

✅ Sertificēti fizioterapeiti ar daudzu gadu pieredzi. ✅ Individuālas ārstēšanas programmas. ✅ Modernas tehnoloģijas un zinātniski pamatotas metodes. ✅ Komfortabla un moderna vide.

📍 Apmeklējiet mūs Ventspils ielā 63, Rīgā. 📞 Pierakstieties uz konsultāciju jau šodien!


Боли в спине: причины, исследования и эффективное лечение в ABI Promedical

Боли в спине — одна из самых распространенных проблем со здоровьем, затрагивающая миллионы людей ежегодно. Малоподвижный образ жизни, неправильная осанка или физическая нагрузка могут привести к дискомфорту и боли. К счастью, современная физиотерапия предлагает эффективные решения, и в ABI Promedical мы специализируемся на инновационных методах реабилитации.

(Продолжение аналогично латышской и английской версиям)

📍 Наш адрес: Ventspils iela 63, Рига, Латвия. 📞 Запишитесь на консультацию уже сегодня!

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ABiProMedical - Medicīniskā rehabilitācija Latvijā ABiProMedical - Медицинская реабилитация в Латвии ABiProMedical - Medicīniskā rehabilitācija Latvijā ABiProMedical - Медицинская реабилитация в Латвии